Using Jerry's label maker to help Bonnie box up Scott's belongings, George discovers that all the things he liked about the apartment, including the couch and the television, belonged to Scott. He wheedles Bonnie into getting Scott to move out. However, he fears her roommate Scott, who looks just like him, is positioned to become her new boyfriend. George is enthralled by the apartment of his new girlfriend, Bonnie, which includes a velvet couch. A Ukrainian man standing next to them is offended, and upends the board. Continuing their game on the subway en route to the impound lot, Kramer taunts Newman over the fact that most of his remaining troops are in the "weak" nation of Ukraine. Kramer runs after the tow truck, taking the Risk game board with him so Newman will not cheat, then Newman chases after Kramer to make sure he does not cheat. Jerry, while talking to Whatley outside, notices that Kramer's car is being towed.

When Elaine hints to Whatley that she does not intend to have sex with him on the Super Bowl trip, he gives her ticket back to Jerry. Jerry and George suspect that, due to Elaine's behavior, Whatley invited her purely with the intent of seducing her. Whatley de-gifts Newman's ticket and gives it to Elaine. Elaine dates Whatley and asks to come up to his apartment in order to find out whether or not he re-gifted her label maker. George suggests Jerry "de-gift" Whatley the tickets, but Whatley has already made plans to go with Newman. Kramer informs Jerry that the Drake's wedding is off because he tried to postpone it in favor of the Super Bowl. Kramer and Newman are playing an extended game of Risk, leaving the board at Jerry's apartment so that neither of them can tamper with the game. Afterwards, Elaine and Jerry suspect that Whatley is a " re-gifter" after Whatley, as thanks, gives Jerry the same label maker that Elaine gave Whatley for Christmas. Jerry has two tickets to the Super Bowl but cannot attend due to "The Drake's" wedding.