To be fair, we understand why the writers made this choice. But you can fight to make them better." But still, Tala had plenty more to give. Sure, we all saw it coming after she gave Ben that rousing speech - "Some things you can't forget. It's no wonder that fans were so quickly drawn to Tala, and it's no wonder why said fans have been so vocal about her tragic demise. In many ways, people like her, those who rise up against evil no matter the cost, are the real heroes of this franchise. Despite her lack of powers or status, Tala is an ordinary person who's willing to put everything on the line for justice. Why didn’t I say this or do that,or why didn’t I reconcile myself with someone? Or make sure thatsomeone whom I like was all right in every way, either financiallyor, I don’t know.Obi-Wan Kenobi villain twist confirms major theoryĪnd that's why it's so hard to reckon with Tala's death. If you re-watch that particular scene again, Ben Kenobi closes his eyes right before Vader swings his lightsaber. And I can see myself drifting off into eternity, ornothing, or whatever it may be, with all sorts of bits of loosestring hanging out of my pocket. In 1985 he told the Guardian newspaper he hoped by the end ofhis life to have put everything in order - “a kind of little bow,tied on life. Guinness converted to Roman Catholicism in 1956, but resistedattempts to paint him as a pious person. Pleased at being recognized, Guinness later retrieves hisgarments, puts his hand in the coat pocket and finds a slip ofpaper on which is written, “Bald with glasses.” “It willnot be necessary,” the attendant smiles. But in Part IV of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan finds that the basement of the Inquisitor HQ is essentially a tomb, keeping the bodies of many killed during Order 66including both a. Parts 1 and 2 show us a new Obi-Wan, played by Ewan McGregor, who has given up on his past. A much overlooked Obi-Wan Kenobi death detail from A New Hope has been discovered by new. How does Obi-Wan Kenobi die Obi-Wan ended up sacrificing himself after an intense battle with the Sith Lord and was killed by Vader when his lightsaber came down on him.
In one of the stories he told about himself, Guinness checks hishat and coat at a restaurant and asks for a claim ticket. Sike, Obi-Wan is everywhere these days thanks to Obi-Wan Kenobi, the newest Star Wars series on Disney +. Over 40 years after originally hitting theaters, A New Hope is still leaving things for fans to discover.

Guinness’s entertaining memoir, Blessings in Disguise,published in 1985, told more about the talented and eccentricpeople he knew than about himself.He was seldom recognized in public. They had a son Matthew and remained happilymarried, living in a country house in Petersfield, 50 milessouthwest of London. In one of them, Guinness met actress Merula Salaman, whom hemarried in 1938. Guinness got some of his first stage roles in Gielgud’s plays. There, John Gielgud judged the end-of-term performanceand chose him as the prize winner. Guinness workedbriefly as an advertising copywriter, spending his pound a weeksalary on theater tickets, and survived on sandwiches and applesgiven him by friends at work.Īfter scraping together the funds for some elementary lessonswith actress Martita Hunt, he won a place at the Fay Compton Schoolof Acting.

The mysterious father whose identity he never learned providedmoney for private schools, but not university.

“I have to admit that my search for a father has been myconstant speculation for 50 years,” he said.